Women’s rights came a long way over the first half of the 20th century. The burden of bearing children falls disproportionately on women, and improving fertility management strategies has been an important part of advancing women’s ability to equally share the opportunities of living in the modern world.
I do not deny that Wall Street’s “hormonal birth control” pills are reasonably-effective at preventing babies, that the hormonal IUD is more-effective, or that the hormonal implant (Nexplanon) is one of the most effective baby-preventing technology sold to women today.
But there’s much more to women’s health than preventing babies.
The researchers who developed the first hormonal birth control product had good intentions. But their Pill was defective, and formerly-healthy women started dropping dead from clots and other cardiovascular problems induced by the heart attack hormone in their birth control pill. To keep the profit train rolling, the pharmaceutical industry “doubled down” on hormonal drugs, and thought it sufficient to warn women that using birth control pills could be fatal. It was decades before all of the deadly high-estrogen pills were withdrawn from the market. READ MORE ABOUT THE HISTORY OF WALL STREET’S HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL PRODUCTS
The simple truth about these products is that the “little white science-lies” told to convince women of reasonableness of using these products are now know to be blatant falsehoods. READ MORE ABOUT WALL STREET’S BLATANT SCIENCE-LIES
The great modern Women’s Health Tragedy comes from treating women’s menstrual complaints with drugs, when a proper investigation would reveal the causes of a woman’s discomfort. Instead of solving women’s menstrual difficulties, industry prefers to treat their symptoms until menopause.
Countless women are prescribed birth control before they are even thinking of being sexually active.
I once met a woman whose very first period – at 12 years old – was debilitating. She was diagnosed with dysmenorrhea, and was started on birth control. When I met her at age 24, she was on a 4 withdrawal-bleeds-a-year birth control prescription. This was better than regular birth control, as she was only disabled for a week every 3 months instead of a week every month. But she was still down for weeks every year, she’d recently met a boy who she was interested in starting a family with, and is now troubled with other medical problems (likely side effects of long-term birth control use).
When I asked what was going on in her life when she was 12, I learned that she had an abusive step father who was much nicer to his own daughters than her. Stress is a potent hormone disruptor. The drug industry doesn’t have any good pills for “emotionally abusive step-father”, and this woman has been stuck on birth control ever since.
How many women were first started on birth control not because they want to prevent babies, but because their bodies don’t have a smooth menstrual cycle? How many cases of dysmenorrhea are NOT because the woman has defective body (as Wall Street might like us to believe), but because they’re malnourished, emotionally abused by their mother/father/sibling/stepmother/stepfather/stepsibling, or is having a difficult semester at school? Poverty is a great stressor too.
When women’s menstrual difficulties are caused by environmental xeno-estrogens (insecticides, etc), is it appropriate to add more xeno-hormones to the mix?
The only justifiable use of Wall Street’s birth control drugs is to prevent babies. That ‘hormonal’ birth control is commonly prescribed to young women who are not yet sexually active is a tragedy, a travesty, and a crime against science.